
Give Your Room A Focal Point

April 26, 2023

(The WOW Factor!)

A focal point is the element in a room that draws your attention first. It's like the main attraction of an art gallery—the work that makes you stop and say, "Whoa!" It can be anything from a large piece of furniture (like an entertainment center) to a small detail (like a vase). Think about what catches your eye when you enter a room, whether it's something big or small. Your goal is to figure out what makes your place special so that it can stand out from others!


Having a focal point in your room is important for a few reasons. A focal point will give you the wow factor, which we all want! It can also help frame the rest of your décor and make it feel more intentional.

A great way to achieve this is by placing your focal point in the middle of the room and at eye level. You want it close enough, but not too close - so don’t place it up against any walls or furniture!

Here are some other examples of how I’ve achieved this effect:


Furniture should be in proportion to the room.

It's important that your furniture fits within the space so that it doesn't feel cramped or overbearing. If you have a large room with plenty of floor space and high ceilings, then go ahead and fill every inch of it with your furniture! However if you have a small room with low ceilings and limited floor space, make sure you don't overcrowd yourself by adding too much furniture.

Furniture should be in proportion to people who use it.

This one is pretty self-explanatory; if you're short make sure your chairs are too! And if someone else is tall make sure their chair isn’t too low for them either (or do what I did and buy an ottoman).

Choice of furniture and construction materials.

In addition to the furniture you choose, the construction of your furniture is another important factor. When considering materials, look for those that are durable and long lasting. The use of these more expensive (but worth it) materials will help prevent you from having to replace your furnishings in the future.

Choose fabrics that are easy to clean and maintain. Also, ensure that they are comfortable and supportive, especially if you plan on spending a lot of time sitting in them! If possible, try out many different styles before making a final decision so that you can find something that fits well with your body type as well as visually appealing!


The use of color is a great way to create the focal point in your room. This can be done through the use of accent walls, paint or wallpaper, but it's important that you don't go overboard with color. If you choose to use an accent wall, choose one that doesn't overwhelm the space and still allows other elements within the room to stand out. Accent walls are best when they're used sparingly or have a subtlety about them.

Another way to make something stand out in your home is by painting furniture pieces or accessories with contrasting colors for added interest and intrigue! If you're feeling adventurous, try out different textures (such as woodgrain) on some items so as not only draw attention but also create an interesting focal point within your living space!


Artwork can be a focal point in your room. You want to make sure that it is placed prominently, so that it catches the eye of anyone who walks into the room. It should be something that you are proud of and identify with, but also something unique and personal to you. Artwork can serve as an extension of your personality, so be sure to choose pieces wisely!


Lighting can be used to create a sense of drama and excitement, or it can be used to create a sense of calm and tranquility. Lighting can also be used to create a focal point in the room; this is often seen in restaurants and hotels where there is one dominant light source (typically the chandelier).

In most cases, lighting is used in combination with other design elements to help bring out certain characteristics of the space. Here are some ways that you might want to use lighting:

Create mood – You may want your living room to feel bright and airy during the day and cozy at night, so choose different types of lighting for each time period. For example, if your family spends most evenings watching TV together as a unit, consider using table lamps with low wattage bulbs instead of overhead lights because they will cast softer shadows on your faces without being too harsh on eyes that have had enough screen time for one day!

Create focal points – If there's something specific about the room that makes it stand out from all others (like an awesome view from its windows), then shine light directly onto those features so guests know exactly what makes this particular place special!

Custom designs
Table By Ben Sallee(Pictured above - Indiana local Ben Sallee's original piece)

In some cases, having a custom design can be both expensive and time consuming. If you have a tight budget or need your room to be ready for an event quickly, then this may not be the best option for you. However, if you are willing to spend the money and have enough time on your hands (or know someone who can help), then custom designs are definitely worth considering.

Custom designs also present challenges in coordination with other elements such as furniture and décor items in the room. Things like artwork placement can make all the difference when it comes to creating a focal point that stands out from everything else in your space.

In addition to these logistical concerns there is also maintenance involved with any kind of custom design work - even if its just changing light bulbs! So if having something that requires constant attention is not appealing than maybe stick with something simpler like wall décor instead?

Bring the outdoors in.
Green RoomNext, you need to bring the outdoors in. This is a simple step that can make a big difference in how your room feels.

Use natural materials: Natural materials such as wood, stone, metal and stone always look better than synthetic ones.

Use natural light: Natural light can be achieved by using skylights or windows where possible (especially those facing south). It's also important to make sure there are no harsh shadows created by artificial lights which can give off an unnatural feel!

Use natural textures: Textures add character and interest to any space so it's worth spending time looking around for inspiration when choosing these items for your room such as rugs or cushions made from woven fabrics etcetera..

Your space is a reflection of your needs, tastes, and lifestyle. A focal point draws your attention without being excessive or over the top!

Your space is a reflection of your needs, tastes, and lifestyle.

A focal point draws your attention without being excessive or over the top! So it's worth while to find something that speaks to you specifically. Here are some examples of focal points that don't have to be extravagant:

  • a painting on the wall that complements (or contrasts) the room's color scheme

  • a bedside table with a lamp and family photos placed neatly in frames on top

  • bookshelves with books arranged according to subject matter

As you can see, there are many ways to create a focal point in your home. The important thing is that you choose a style that’s right for you and your space. Whether it’s a piece of art or an antique table, just focus on making sure your focal point isn’t too big (or small) for the room so it doesn't overwhelm everything else!